Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Nature vs. Nuture: How is Identity Formed?

This lesson will be about different factors, both genetic and environmental, that contribute to individual development and identity. I will start the discussion by asking students whether they believe various things such as alcoholism, intelligence, artistic ability, and body size are inherited, learned, or both. What percentage would you attribute to genes versus environment? I would then do a   short lecture on what genes and environment are and how they potentially determine a person’s characteristics and give examples of twin and adoption studies that support each theory. We would then watch a short video on David Reimer ( Then I would ask students to stand at the point where they believe the balance between genes and environment is. One end of the room will be purely environment, and the other end will be purely genes. Students will place themselves where they feel explains the importance of genes and/or environment in shaping a person. Explain there is no correct answer, but the balance between the two is open to interpretation. We would then finish the film to see what happened to David. The students could then hold a debate on whether they think nature or nurture plays a more important role on identity. The assessment would be a short paper on which side they think won the debate and why.

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