Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Factors of Mental Illness Lesson Plan Snapshot

This lesson plan shows that complex and varied interactions among individuals, groups, cultures, and nations contribute to the dynamic nature of personal identity. In this lesson I would talk about the risk factors for mental illness. I would have a power point that discussed the Individual Differences such as temperament, genetic factors, prenatal factors, perinatal factors, brain structure, and brain function. It would also include Proximal Factors such as attachment, parenting styles, parent psychopathology, divorce, abuse, neglect, peer rejection, and bullying. Lastly, it would discuss the Distal Factors such as socioeconomic status, neighborhood quality, racism, and exposure to violence. This direct instruction would show students that there are a variety of factors that affect mental illness. The students would then choose which of the three factors have the largest effect on mental health and then they would have time to form a debate as to why they think their group is right. The students would create a visual aid to present to the class to try to persuade the rest of the class that their side is right. The assessment would be their visual aid and if they were able to persuade their classmates.

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