Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Identity Development and Theories Lesson Snapshot

This lesson revolves around the theme of how individual development and identity helps us know about different theories explaining individual development and identity as provided in the National Standards. For this lesson, I want to give students introductory information on the different development and identity theories. These will be the building blocks for future lessons on development and identity, so I would most likely do direct instruction for the majority of the period so that I can easily relay a great amount of information. I would want the students to know about Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development, Piaget’s cognitive development, Kohlberg’s moral development, and Marcia’s identity states. I would use some form of visual aid such as a Prezi that I would give to students after the class period. I would also provide the students with an outline to help scaffold their note taking, because I think it is important for students to learn how to take notes before they enter college. Providing an outline would also be great for students to have as a reference in future lessons. As a closing assignment (or homework if they don't finish) I want students to write a short essay by picking one theory that was discussed and explain their own individual development and identity formation (major events, stages, etc.) through that theory. I would also like them to provide reasoning as to why they chose that theory and why that believe that theory may or may not be a better way to study individual identity and development.

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